
Aston Stealth 4-Voice Cardioid Dynamic Microphone Black + Swift Shock Mount

Introducing the Aston Stealth 4-Voice Cardioid Dynamic Microphone in black, complete with a Swift Shock Mount. This premium quality microphone is perfect for professional audio equipment and is ideal for musicians and DJs alike. The microphone is made by Aston, a trusted brand known for their high-end products. This dynamic microphone is designed with a […]... Read More

Befaco Noise Plethora 4-Voice Algorithmic Noise Generator Module

Befaco Noise Plethora 4-Voice Algorithmic Noise Generator Module. A typically comprehensive approach to noise sources from Befaco, featuring five different circuits plus two analogue multimode filters and plenty of CV controls for sculpting the output. Noise plethora has three different noise generators. The first two are identical and are composed of digital algorithms followed by […]... Read More