Noise / Ringmod Q116 / Q110 REPANEL 5U dotcom MU Modular Noise / Ringmod Q116 / Q110 REPANEL 5U dotcom MU Modular Noise / Ringmod Q116 / Q110 REPANEL 5U dotcom MU Modular Noise / Ringmod Q116 / Q110 REPANEL 5U dotcom MU Modular Noise / Ringmod Q116 / Q110 REPANEL 5U dotcom MU Modular Noise / Ringmod Q116 / Q110 REPANEL 5U dotcom MU Modular
Its Noise / Ringmod functionality is perfect for adding an extra layer of complexity to your modular setup. These are amazing modules. However they take WAY TOO MUCH SPACE for just a few jacks. With this repanel they take one MU space and power. So you have more space to add more modules to your case. The Q110 Noise Source creates random waveforms useful for creating sounds such as thunder, explosions, drums, rainfall, breath simulation and more. Noise can also be used to modulate other modules such as oscillators and filters to create more realistic, unpredictable sounds. An output level control is provided to eliminate the need for patching through an attenuator. Three outputs are provided (available simultaneously): White Noise is composed of all frequencies in equal amounts. Pink Noise contains equal energy per octave. Low Frequency Noise low frequencies for modulation. The Q116 Ring Modulator performs a variation of amplitude modulation in which two input signals are multiplied creating an output that contains the sum and difference of the input signals (called sidebands), but without the original input signals themselves. Sometimes referred to as a’Balanced Modulator’. The result is a very strange clanging, bell-like sound that can only be created with a ring modulator. Useful for producing gong sounds, bell sounds, and many strange sounds having no description. NOTE: This is a 5u/MU module. Noise / Ringmod Q116 / Q110 REPANEL 5U dotcom MU Modular