2x Akustik Diffuser Bluetone QRD 7N, Akustik Paneel

Always in the first place. 2-5 days with DHL. Bluetone QRD7N Acoustic Diffuser – available in 3 colors. High quality Schroeder diffuser made of natural wood. Acoustic Diffusion Products are an excellent solution for treating distortion such as comb filtering and flutter echo in musical detail, vocal clarity and response cancellations. The QRD7N Diffusor is […]... Read More

2x AKUSTIK PANEEL Binary Diffuser by Bluetone, Schalldämmung

Always in the first place. 2-5 days with DHL. Bluetone Binary AbFuser – Hybrid Acoustic Panel. High quality acoustic room treatment panel. Add true random scattering to high absorption performance with the binary sequence scattering pattern made on a front-mounted plate, and give your room an extra brightness and clarity that combats the unnatural effect […]... Read More