1uO_c – 4ROBOTS is 1U Ornament and Crime for Intellijel 1U format. The first Ornament and Crime with VOR System. Ornament and Crime is the “Swiss army knife” for your system, now for Intellijel 1u format. Multi-purpose module with tons of functions. Scale and note mask sequencer. Bouncing ball envelope generator. Previoues versions of Ornament and Crime modules can only offer output range of 9vpp and single offset (usually -3v to 6v). To change this offset, physical resistors at the circuit board should be replaced with different values followed by long calibration process. This range is a compromise for most o_C applications, it is not good enough for envelopes which needs a peek of 10v to completely open a VCA and it’s not good enough for a LFO’s which needs a Bi-Polar range for its operation. At the development process of 1uO_c 4ROBOTS we decided to completely redesign the range and offset system (at the hardware and at the firmware) to achieve variable range that set automatically for each App. 1uO_c 4ROBOTS comes with extended range of 10vpp and option to set the range to: Bi-Polar (+/-5v), Uni-Polar (0v to 10v) or Asymmetric (-3v to 7v). New in v2.0: Hardware support for VOR or NON VOR firmwares with jumper on the back of the module (When changing this jumper a recalibration should be performed).